Senecio Crassissimus

The Senecio Crassissimus is a particularly decorative succulent with its purple/grey, flat, elongated leaves.

BOTANY | The Senecio is a succulent and originally comes from South Africa. It grows there in sandy, rocky soil. The plant can do something special, the leaf can change direction so that there is never a flat surface where the sun can shine. By rotating the leaf, the plant prevents the loss of moisture. For this reason, the plant is also called a propeller plant, since the leaf looks a bit like an airplane propeller.

PLANT CARE | The Senecio needs little water. The plant stores the water on its leaves. During the growing season, give it some water to prevent the root ball from drying out completely. In the fall and winter, an occasional dash of water is sufficient. Give organic plant food once a month during the growing season. The amount of water affects the speed at which the plant grows. More water will encourage growth. But too much water in combination with too little light can quickly lead to rot. You can tell this by mushy parts at the beginning of the leaf or when they start to look slimy, wrinkled or deformed.

SPRAYING | The Senecio is used to dry air and therefore does not need spraying. You can rinse or dust the plant occasionally, then more light can reach the succulent.